Publié par The Interns On 17:41
Awwww GAawwwwwWWWD!!! Stupid winter isn't over yet?
I don't think I can take much more of this slush and stuff. It's ruining my like One pair of boots.
Lucky for me, I was trolling down the street the other night, and I found a pair of black sorta patent- leather UGG style boots near the sidewalk.

 They're not exactly my style, but being poor and all, I yoinked them still, and now I have pretty cool rain boots. Too bad they have holes at the front and whenever a splash of water comes my way they get flooded. Well that's what you get for being a finder/keeper.

This is what I'd buy

This Cheaper version also exists at for like 50$

I've noticed that a large portion of my wardrobe has been provided to me by the heavens; either given by friends, or as promotional item. I've got loads of concert Ts, too, cause I used to sell merch at a concert venue. Anyway, I guess I'm saying that my hobo- esque style is cool and unique, but given the choice I would more likely dress like Serena Van Der Woodsen. Or the girls from Pretty Little Liars, which is where I found the above gems.

Also, the other day I was walking around, and I had the brilliant idea of going to buy some nice gloves to wear indoors, because I've got that disease where my hands are Always cold. So I get to the dollarama, right? And it turns out they're out of gloves, cause it's not the season anymore. So I see the sock section, and I realized I could make cool fingerless gloves out of socks by cutting out the heel.

One of my friends wants me to make her a pair. I sense a small business coming on!

Alright well that's all for now,


p.s. I know my camera sucks.

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