This one's my favourite:

I like the whole get-up - the dress, the shoes, the gloves. If only I was filthy rich, I'd purchase it RIGHT NOW. 
Which one's your favourite?

On The Topic Of Fashion Mood Rings

Publié par The Interns On 19:18 0 commentaires
I, too, having been afflicted with the pre- spring blues, as well as pre- spring sickness, seeked comfort in dreams of faraway lands. Today I happened to stumble upon this wacky Bollywood Film:

Jhoom Barabar Jhoom

and was delightfully entertained for 2 hours (It's 2 hours 11minutes long).
Anyway, inspired by this, this is what My fashion mood ring would look like, if I possessed such a magical item.

South by Northwest

Publié par The Interns On 15:30 0 commentaires
I must really be getting fed up of the cold weather, because all I want to do these days is listen to country music and visit Arizona. To deal with these pre-spring blues, I pay extra attention to my cactus and sweep the soggy dirt off my balcony, thinking of the dog days of summer when I will be sitting out there with my cactus, listening to country music and pretending I'm in Arizona.

If I had a fashion-mood-ring, this is what colour it would be RIGHT NOW :


photo credits: Jimmy Backius, Elle Spain, Vogue Spain, OracleFox.

Dyed to Perfection

Publié par The Interns On 21:33 0 commentaires
Everyone loves pastels, or at least I do.  But I have one problem, my wardrobe consists of either black, gray, dark blue, or color to be found.  Then I had a crazy idea, what if I just dye my clothes?  So I took some crystal light mix, poured it into a bucket of water, and then let my white blazer soak for about 30 minutes.  Afterwards I threw it into the dryer for like 45 minutes (I wanted to wear it that night) and BAM my blazer was a cute pink!  It was a great success.

Publié par The Interns On 17:41 0 commentaires
Awwww GAawwwwwWWWD!!! Stupid winter isn't over yet?
I don't think I can take much more of this slush and stuff. It's ruining my like One pair of boots.
Lucky for me, I was trolling down the street the other night, and I found a pair of black sorta patent- leather UGG style boots near the sidewalk.

 They're not exactly my style, but being poor and all, I yoinked them still, and now I have pretty cool rain boots. Too bad they have holes at the front and whenever a splash of water comes my way they get flooded. Well that's what you get for being a finder/keeper.

This is what I'd buy

This Cheaper version also exists at for like 50$

I've noticed that a large portion of my wardrobe has been provided to me by the heavens; either given by friends, or as promotional item. I've got loads of concert Ts, too, cause I used to sell merch at a concert venue. Anyway, I guess I'm saying that my hobo- esque style is cool and unique, but given the choice I would more likely dress like Serena Van Der Woodsen. Or the girls from Pretty Little Liars, which is where I found the above gems.

Also, the other day I was walking around, and I had the brilliant idea of going to buy some nice gloves to wear indoors, because I've got that disease where my hands are Always cold. So I get to the dollarama, right? And it turns out they're out of gloves, cause it's not the season anymore. So I see the sock section, and I realized I could make cool fingerless gloves out of socks by cutting out the heel.

One of my friends wants me to make her a pair. I sense a small business coming on!

Alright well that's all for now,


p.s. I know my camera sucks.

Norwegian Wood

Publié par The Interns On 19:32 0 commentaires
So I stumbled upon some of the sickest leggings from Norwegian Wood while I was trolling  The designer's name is Angie Johnson and she's based in Montreal.  Her leggings are fun, creative, and incredibly unique...she uses leather panels, tie dye, and any pattern your little heart could desire.

Basically I'm in love.

You can find her at or you should follow her tumblr :



Publié par The Interns On 13:30 0 commentaires
Look. I don't know nothing about social media, about marketing, about business, or about money,... Just Kidding! But I do know something about Fashion. I know it's one of the only things that make me feel free in this strange world. I know that when I put an outfit on to go to school, or to go out, or wherever I go, that's mySelf I'm expressing. And my self is whoever I want to be. I can be a princess if I want, I can be a fuckin' hobo, I can be a clown.. For as long as I get to choose the way I want to present myself to the world, I will. And I may not agree with Your choices, but I will defend to the death your right to make them. To express yourself. Because that's what fashion is all about.
    Some people in this world don't have a choice. They don't have the freedom that we do, to show the world who they are, and I know I complain that I can't have all the beautiful things I want that I see in magazines and stores, but how lucky I am to be surrounded by such beauty every day, and to be able to appreciate it...
    Anyway, that's all I had to say today... Just a little introduction into the life of a fashion PR agency intern.  Hope you enjoy it. :)